Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Ancillary Tasks: Poster Mock-Up

Here is the mock-up for my film poster:

Again the idea was inspired a little from the SAW movies again. The posters hold a certain factor that leaves you intrigues as to what the movie is about and what message it is trying to portray. I plan for my poster to be very simple but a hold a deeper message. The mock-up shown above shows the bottom of an arm holding the mask featured in the movie. There is no identity as to it holding or why and I think there questions that the audience are asking already makes the poster successful because questions should be asked about the movie - it means that the audience are interested in potentially seeing the film or wanting to know more about it. I plan for this poster to be quite dark, allowing the mask to be the only thing that stands out. This feature/convention is something that I also decided to do on the magazine front cover.

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