Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Advanced Portfolio Plan

Plan for the actors/actresses:
The main plan for my actors/characters in the movie was to use someone who can adapt well to a thriller genre. I had to pick someone who can have good expression but also one who can be a likeable character in forde the audience to keep interest. I was only planning to have one actress in the movie and one male actor. However, only one of the characters will reveal thier identity.


The location is going to be a relatively large house. I had already planned where I was going to film before I wrote the script. The house has to be quite big and not on a street with other houses next to it otherwise it wouldn't capture the deserted atmosphere I had hoped to capture. The house has to look a little creepy in the dark but it still has to look like a homely home. The house I chose happens to be one I could gain easy access to as it is in the family. The house isn't accompanied by many other houses on the road, and has a long stretch of fields in front of it so it is normlly very quiet. This particular feature to the house meant that it created a sense of lonliness. The house is quite big inside so that means that filming one actress will leave me with plenty of space. The rooms inside are pretty large in order to film and the bigger the space to use, the bigger atmosphere it will create. Also, this house happens to have many different settings and a good staircase in order to film. This house I had chosen would be perfectly suited to my movie trailer.


Since there is only one main actress in my movie trailer named Katie, (Real name: Misbah) I had plenty of time ot focus on what her costume/make-up would be like. The whole movie is based around this house so she had to be dressed casual. I had to dress Misbah in house clothes, such as a basic cami vest top and jeans or even leggings. I wanted to film in something that made her feel comfortable. The best way to get the right costume for these scenes was by asking her what she felt comfortable in when she was at home. This was done in order to set the right atmosphere. It would have been innappropriate if I filmed my thriller trailer while my actress was dressed in high heels and a dress. The theme would not have matched up to the aim of my trailer.
The make-up on Misbah had to be different to what she would usually wear for filming purposes.The make-up i put on misbah was alot paler than a look she would usually go for. I used a much paler foundation on her skin and eyeliner that was not done particularly neat. This was to capture the state she in throughout the trailer after being chased in her own house. Also the pale foundation was to capture the scared expression on her face.
For the costume of the masked man. The only tweo things I needed were the mask and black clothing. I made sure that the male actor (Justin Burns) wore a big black jacket, with a black t-shirt and dark coloured trousers/jeans. By having the actor dressed all in black, it would mean that the mask he was wearing stood out to the audience and was instantly recognizeable.


Here is a list of the props I used and what they were used for:

Mask - Main prop for the actor to wear.

Wine Glass - To be smashed on the floor (Disruption in the trailer)

Bottle of Wine - A scene where Misbah is setting down for the night and pouring herslef a glass of wine.

TV - Misbah would be watching the TV on the sofa as part of one of the equilibrium scenes.

Remote - To change the channel and know something is wrong when the TV goes to White Noise

Candles - The candles were for the bathroom scene when Misbah has just taken a relaxing bath. The plan for these candles also was to have her blow it out in a close-up shot and then let the darkness set in. This way I could use this darkness and mix it with a transition. This could be a good use of editing and creatviity.

Robe/Dressing Gown - Misbah relaxing for the night after taking a bath

Knife - Misbah was going to walking/running around te house to threaten the intruder with.

These were the main props that were featured in the trailer.

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